FLTA Zone Meeting
Vickie Rianda, Zone II Vice-President
Cordially invites you to attend
“Lender Liability, Agent Vetting &
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”
and a BRIEF Legislative Update
presented by
James Russick
FLTA President
When: Monday, March 4, 2013
Refreshments 6:00 p.m.
Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Where: Marriott at South Point
4670 Salisbury Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Attendance is FREE, but we do need to know if you will at attending!
Seating is limited to the first 50 registrations so please RSVP by February 27, 2013
For questions about the event,
send an email to Vickie Rianda at vrianda@islandtitlellc.com