APPLICATION AND TESTING IS OPEN CHECK BELOW FOR CURRENT APPLICATION, OUTLINE AND PAYMENT INFORMATION The Study Materials are available for you now so you can get started familiarizing yourself with the topics that will be covered on the Test. Order Forms for study materials are available below, as well as outlines for the respective designation tests. These are necessary resources that will aid you in preparing for the tests. Please take time to review all the information. Should you have any questions, please contact Allison Fowhand, Secretary of the CLT Institute, at 850-624-8671 or |
Here's the link to the 2025 Application Package. The full packet includes the Resume Form and the Employer Certification Form. It is imperative that all portions of the Application, Resume Form and Employer Certification Form be completed. PLEASE NOTE: The CLT documents are to be emailed to the CLT Institute Secretary at Fees should be paid via the online link below. Searchers and Closers tests are predominantly essay tests and are designed to take 8 hours to complete. Each test is divided into two parts, a.m. & p.m. The morning is primarily essay for both tests. The afternoon sessions are legal descriptions, drawings, true/false, etc., for searchers, and closing packages, prorations, multiple choice, etc., in the afternoon for the closers. The tests are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, so you can be assured you will be tested on the most current and up to date information.
| Additional Study Materials Be sure to click on the links for the Outlines below and download these Study Materials. You will find them to be a valuable resource. These outlines set out many items that will be addressed on the test. Some of these situations or areas of knowledge are not utilized on a daily basis. Be sure to take time to go over the Outlines, study the material and refresh your memory. Purchase the FLTA - Basic Title Insurance Handbook and Booth Supplement CLT Roster
NOTE: If your name is NOT in the Roster and it should be, OR if your information needs to be updated, please send a message to and we will help you get that fixed. |