2020 Virtual FLTA Convention
Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration
November 9 - 11, 2020
To register your sponsorship and exhibitor booth, click on "register" on the bottom left.
The Event of the Season is upon us. Your personalized vendor space will have the ability to host informational videos, flyers, handouts, schedule 1-on-1 meetings and video chat connections, you won't to miss this. No travel required!
Have a question about sponsorship, have an idea of something else you'd like to sponsor? Contact Jena Daly.
Note: Our website will not accept your online registration unless both the person logging in and the primary contact for the Convention are already shown as an affiliate member in our database. Please make certain that you are registered as an employee of your company before you select the "REGISTER" button by checking the directory. If you are not registered as an employee of the company, register here and then log-in under that email address and the password you created.
If a staff person is registering for the primary person that will be in charge of the "booth" at the convention, you MUST change the email address that appears after you select "Register" to the email address for the person that you are registering. OTHERWISE, YOU will be the registered attendee.
Terms & Conditions of online registration:
1. If payment is made online, NO REFUNDS will be issued by return credit. You MUST request a refund from the FLTA office, and if approved, a CHECK will be issued to the party whose card was used for the payment.
2. REFUND POLICY: A written request for refund received prior to Friday, 10/09/20 will be honored, minus a $35 administrative fee
No refunds will be issued AFTER 10/09/20
NOTE: You will be required to accept these terms to complete your registration.